
Good Reasons To Migrate To The SAP S 4HANA

If you have any questions concerning SAP S/4HANA migration for your organization, feel free to contact our SAP consultants. SAP and Microsoft have been working on joint cloud offerings since November, 2017. In a competitive cloud marketplace, it is interesting that such partnerships have not been negotiated by other major cloud providers. However, the most crucial reason for migration is the first-in-market partnership that SAP and Microsoft fully formalized in early 2019.

Main reasons for SAP migration

This seems like an obvious yet wrong reason for the majority of businesses. On the one hand, if your company’s ERP will not be updated in the future, it’s a strong reason for migrating to the new SAP S/4HANA system. On the other hand, there’s no urgency in migrating right now as you have at least six years more at your disposal.

Migrating SAP to the Cloud: Risks, Benefits, and Best Approaches

Proxies play a significant role in facilitating the integration of SAP systems with SAP PO. They offer a convenient approach by defining them in the Enterprise Services Repository (ESR) within PO and generating them as ABAP proxies in the SAP backend system. However, during migration projects from PO to Integration Suite, one critical decision involves determining the approach for migrating ABAP proxy interfaces. It is important to note that the Integration Suite does not support proxy generation on the SAP backend system, necessitating a new approach when migrating from SAP PO to SAP Integration Suite.

Moving SAP to the cloud may require a change to your existing support arrangements. This could mean a reskilling of support roles internally or adjusting third party support contracts. Identifying this in advance makes it easier to adjust once the migration to cloud starts. SAP HANA Cloud comes with a scalable query engine and multi-model support, for graphs, spatial, documents, and more, with machine learning on any datastore. SAP HANA Cloud lets you scale computing and storage separately, based on your needs.

Are You Ready to Migrate SAP to Azure?

Data is multiplying exponentially, and now is the time to deploy a data solution that solves your company’s biggest challenges. By migrating from SAP Cloud Platform, HANA Service on Cloud Foundry to SAP migration to cloud SAP HANA Cloud, you’ll gain all the tools you need for a successful cloud strategy. A Gartner survey reports that 66% of CEOs expect to change their company’s business model in the next three years.

Main reasons for SAP migration

With end of support looming for ECC, the race to S/4HANA is on — for some. Learn some pros and cons of S/4HANA and why some companies are taking a ‘just say no’ approach. Migrating to a new ERP requires new business processes — and that can be hard to sell. “A large number of our tickets were opened with SAP involving custom code, which SAP doesn’t support,” Siegfried said. “We were paying a lot of money for support that wasn’t really able to address where some of the issues lie because it was custom.” SAP supports S/4HANA Cloud with implementation or transitioning roadmaps to help customers move from ECC to S/4HANA, said Ilona Hansen, senior research director at Gartner at the time of this article.

An Airline Company Reduced Procurement Costs through Digital Transformation

This customization results in the need for a secondary environment for development and testing purposes. To help mitigate the costs of duplicating all the hardware and software needed for periodic testing, the cloud can provide a quick and cost-efficient way to deploy testing systems — and only for when they are in use. SAP is actively investing into its new business suite SAP S/4HANA, at the same time it is no longer investing in SAP ECC as it comes to an end in 2027.

The right decision requires each company’s leaders to examine the pros and cons of S/4HANA in light of that company’s needs. These are just a few examples of what should be included in your SAP to cloud migration plan. It’s worth working with a partner like SoftwareOne to help develop a complete roadmap and plan to ensure a smooth migration. That shift in focus is exactly what progressive CIOs seek when moving SAP to AWS and expanding the organization’s technology and data capabilities. Cloud created by IBM has more than 50 global data centers for making your applications safe.

There’s time to plan before the 2027 deadline

The main risks and challenges of SAP systems and SAP data migration are majorly offset by the tangible benefits your company can gain from migration. Perhaps, this is the biggest reason why over 20% of SAP revenues are already in the cloud. The first benefit reduces the migration costs and effort while the second identifies potential migration issues in advance, allowing users to plan in time.

Main reasons for SAP migration

The most disadvantageous part of ECC on Hana is its complex structure. Businesses are thus feeling more attracted to S/4Hana due to its simplified https://www.globalcloudteam.com/ data table structure and data access. The SAP S/4HANA modules can analyze a higher amount of data within the shortest time-limit.

Centrally connect and access all data

A new software solution must benefit the company to justify its adoption. From real-time supply chain and finance to predictive MRP, machine learning applications, and cutting-edge warehousing systems, it boasts hundreds of brand-new features and capabilities. Moving to a new software solution must offer business value or it would be difficult to justify. SAP S/4HANA gives you access to new innovations such as embedded real-time analytics, the latest user experience across all devices with SAP Fiori, as well as faster response times and a better performance.

  • In turn, financial data, HR data and other regulated data might be vulnerable.
  • An IDC survey estimated that between 2019 and 2021, 54% of SAP customers plan to adopt SAP S4/4HANA.
  • Customers can purchase additional security protections that use advanced machine learning, behavioral analytics and application-based intelligence to detect threats.
  • Over time, many of these servers may require changes to accommodate the increases in data requirements and users.
  • This leaves employees with more time to work on important tasks that require special attention.
  • Though it is common knowledge for the SAP HANA Service on Cloud Foundry, the other tiers provide all-new features.
  • With S/4HANA, businesses can say goodbye to boring, repetitive tasks thanks to the Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solutions that automate these mundane tasks.

One of the advantages of the cloud is the ability for an organization to reduce its upfront capital investment in IT equipment and hardware. But the shift to a subscription model can quickly get out of control when the organization does not monitor and manage it properly. It’s easy to provision servers and other workloads in the cloud, so mismanagement of these resources can sometimes lead to additional expenses for systems that are not being used. This scenario can affect IT budgets and is especially concerning to executives.

Begin to Experience SAP S/4HANA’s Business Benefits

SAP S/4HANA migration is much-discussed among enterprises is one of the most discussed points among enterprises thanks to a 2027 deadline. The majority of businesses are questioned if they need to migrate their legacy ERP to SAP S/4HANA immediately or they’d better stop, think over, and find true value drivers for migration. Though businesses may be driven by a vast majority of obvious and less popular reasons, there’s only one true reason that should power their SAP S/4HANA migration project to bring value in the future perspective. If your business has an in-house SAP solution, moving to Azure is the next logical step to bring you the competitive edge you want.